Full stack

web solution

I started developing web applications relatively late with .net 1.1. I completed a couple of Microsoft certified courses. While working at ZUS (a government insurance institution), I've created a few intranet sites for the social security president's office, but then took a break. Renting a Microsoft Shared Server was significantly more expensive than Apache Servers. MySQL, on the other hand, was then much less advanced than MS SQL.

After a few years I became interested in Apache servers and the PHP language because MySQL has been greatly expanded. Naked PHP wasn't friendly. The Laravel framework turned out to be much better. However, CodeIgniter was the best to work for me.

Combination with Bootstrap or Materialize gave quite good visual effects. In this set I made a few websites from which only http://wlasnosc.waw.pl function so far (see portfolio). For the needs of the .Nowoczesna political party - Wybory (see portfolio) and the website of Kluby Liberalne were created (both abandoned).

The Angular package made programming much easier and relieved the work of the server while transferring the data presentation to the browser. Built-in directives that go beyond the html standard, double data binding and the ability to create your own directives were significant improvements. Cordova, on the other hand, made possibilty to create mobile applications based on the Java Script code already written for the web application.

Vue.js was even more convenient solution. It not only gave most capabilities of the Angular/Bootstrap tandem, but also allowed obfuscating .js files made them difficult for unauthorized persons to access the application structure. Now I prefare the successor of Vue - Quasar.js in frontend applications.

While PHP is the cheapest and simplest server-side solution, Node.js provides better performance. Based on Node.js, I made a part of the MTmanager - backend (see portfolio). The benefits of Node.js are not limited to performance. For example web sockets are very easy to implement.

In 2021, I returned to .Net but in the Core version. At the same time, I also returned to Agular.js, which "caught up" with Vus.js in terms of capabilities and convenience. In 2022, while working for PricewaterhouseCoopers cooper, I used both .Net core versions 3.1 and 6 as well as newer versions of Angular.js extensively. This software was hosted on Azure under DevOps model.

My previous professional experience and constant desire to learn new technologies make me a very good candidate for the position of full stack web developer.