.Net applications

Windows OS

Since Windows 95 graphical user interface programs have become the norm. In the same time Borland C++ Builder appeared. With the help of this environment, I created the software for the vehicle control dispatcher. A little later, there was a series of truck scales service programs that checked for exceeding the permissible axle loads and versions for invoicing sand trading. In this way,I gained experience in writing programs for the Windows operating system.

In the early 2000s, Microsoft released .Net. I started creating programs from version 1.1 of this framework. Telemetry Modules Manager - MTM was the first application (see the portfolio section). The application uses XML, XSD, XPATH and XSLT standards. I keep maintenance of this project up to this day. For example - in the middle of 2021, I added communication with devices via Bluetooth LE.

Of course, for 20 years I have created many other desktop applications, although not so extensive. Some of them use processing of Microsoft Office files. Some connect to remote servers by downloading data from them, or feeding the database based on locally available data. A representative example in the portfolio is the Xslx to mySQL converter. For my own needs, I created an application that converts Excel spreadsheets to justify the IPBOX tax relief in detail.

I also have experience in developing web applications based on .Net Framework, as well as .Net Core. Initially, the services were developed in MVC schema. Later only as a REST API background for clients in other technologies.

My previous professional experience and constant desire to learn new technologies make me a very good candidate for the position of a .Net developer.