
- recruitment tasks

When applying for the position of fullstack developer, I was given recruitment tasks to complete:

  1. Write an application in C# to retrieve information about entrepreneurs by TIN number. Once retrieved, display the information on the page and save it to the database. Use the WL Registry API (
    * The use of React.js in the front-end will be an added advantage.
  2. Choose one task from the following:
    1. Write code in C# that:
      1. move the subtitles from the .SRT file 5 seconds and 880 milliseconds 00:00:05,880) forward,
      2. will cut issues from the file that start at equal seconds after the shift and paste them into a new file,
      3. will give new subtitle numbering for both files.
      You can download the .SRT file here: movie
    2. Write a simple application in React.js that allows you to measure the time of tasks performed. The app must allow you to start, name and finish a task (start - stop system). Let the completed tasks appear in a list that shows the names of the tasks and their duration. The application is not required to communicate with the server, it can only run on RAM.

I completed tasks 1, 2a and 2b within the deadline of one week. Since I had previously used Vue.js and Agularjs, and was not familiar with React.s - I had to learn it very quickly. Source codes of my work are available at
