telemetric modules manager
General info

I started creating the application in the advent of .Net 1.1. The first functional component was the configurator of telemetry modules. I based it on XML files and XSD schemas. The language files were created in the XML standard too. XSLT transformation was also used in a few cases. So far, over 300 versions of configuration files for several dozen types of telemetry modules have been created.

Another functional components were also based on the XML standard. They were OPC configurator, PLC (mtProg, text programming, ladder programming), monitor, firmware update.

MTM is constantly developing/adapting to new functionalities of telemetry modules. One option is to support battery packs connecting to the server over GPRS usually once a day. In second half of 2021, I added the Bluetooth LE interface. Until the end of May 2022, I was in charge of maintaining the project.

MTM allows:

  • Setting & getting module configuration
  • Text PLC programming
  • Ladder PLC programming
  • View contents of internal registers
  • Setting of OPC configuration
  • Updating of modules firmware version
  • Updating language messages

Communication modes:

  • Cable, serial
  • Ethernet
  • Remote GPRS over UDP frames
  • Spooler for battery MT modules
  • Bluetooth LE

Full description MTM